Plan B is a community of hardcore gamers who are passionate about Splinterlands. We're constantly pushing to rise up the leaderboards and take our brawls to the next level. Our goal is to become one of the game's premiere brawling guilds.

Apply now or contact our leadership and join our rise to the top.


Level 10 Guild Hall

20% RP Bonus10% Shop Discount

Level 9 Arena

Tier 5 Brawls7 x Rewards

Level 8 Barracks

Home Team AdvantageGold Level Gladiator CardsBanish 2 Enemy Cards+2 Mana Cap

Level 8 Store

+140% Merit BonusBlood StonesPower Stones





Senior Member

If you are going to be away from the game for an extended period, be sure to let us know. Otherwise, you may be replaced.

Plan B wants members who are continually striving to push up the ranked, guild, and brawl leaderboards. Subsequently, if you're not an active brawler, your winrate is less than 50%, and you don't maintain Diamond League or higher in ranked play, you will first be warned. If you still fail to meet these requirements, you could be replaced.


It’s important that fray assignments are fair and unbiased. It benefits the guild and everyone in it when we give our top performing brawlers priority. More wins means more Merits and more Crowns, which means more Gladiator cards and higher level buildings, which means more wins… so on and so forth, creating a self-perpetuating snowball of victory.

With this in mind, Plan B assigns frays to the guild member with the highest winrate for each fray. Because we know card collections and strategies improve over time, we only use performance from the last ten brawls to determine fray assignments.

In order to prove their mettle, new members receive priority and have their choice of any fray for their first three brawls.

Frays are assigned as follows.

Brawlers swapping in will have their choice of frays and will replace the brawler with the least bench weeks or lowest winrate.

If your performance continues to be below the standard of our regular brawlers and you are not doing everything you can to improve your strategy and card collection (either by buying or renting), then most likely you will remain on the bench; the rest of the guild will not suffer because you're not willing to do your part. If you have any questions or concerns about your status, please don't hesitate to speak up.

Assignments for brawls will be posted in the #brawl-assignments channel of Discord about 24-hours before the start of each brawl.